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Keith Cowley (MBSsS) BSc (hons), MSc, ScoSci

My expertise in Psychology and vast experience sets me apart as a trainer in wellbeing. As a Wellbeing Psychologist I train organisations to reach their potential through wellbeing, mindfulness and coaching programmes and interventions. My in-depth understanding of mental health, training delivery and communication at all levels provides clients with a highly skilled and engaged experience. I demonstrate a flexible approach, self-motivation, resilience and willingness to adapt in both the creation and delivery of training programmes. As a skilled collaborator I am highly personable, diplomatic and instrumental in problem solving. As a graduate member of the British Psychology Association, I hold high regard for ethical practise.

My transition from student of Psychology over ten years has grown beyond to delivering lectures at universities and speaking at organisations, sharing strategies on how to bring wellbeing into all aspects of work and life.

I hold a diploma in Social Science, a BSc (Hons) in Psychology and an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, am a meditation teacher who gained my Complementary Medical Association approved training under Itai Ivtzan, a mogul of the mindfulness and spirituality research movement. I have delivered workshops, keynote talks and training to organisations and covered many topics including how to survive and thrive, be your best, explore what matters, happiness at work, strengths based leadership, resilience, positive psychology in practice and much more.

Learn more at https://www.linkedin.com/in/keithcowleywellbeingpsychologist/